Summary in english

Concrete actions to set an example (see our archives) :
Our intention is to set an example and generate initiatives throughout island society, from the Cap Corse to Bonifacio.

These actions are extensive:
“Stondi Corsi”, thematic conferences, entertainment for children, heritage tours, debates with translators, animation at fairs, festivals, sporting events…
We covered many topics and talked about heritage as new technologies, traditions or the future…
Concrete actions to be sustained (see our projects) :

Immersive robotics workshop in Corsican language in highschools.

Corsican language training for micro organizers of fairs and other events (work initiated with the Federation of Rural Artisanal and Agricultural Fairs of Corsica: the FFRAAC).

Booklet to explain polynomy and allow everyone to locate a specific Corsican language in a specific region of the island, to the closest municipality.

This is the name of a website and a smartphone App that we have designed (currently being finalized) and which list everything that is done in the Corsican language.
It is about accessing a large source of information in different fields: training centers, immersion workshops, learning methods, radio broadcasts, audiovisual archives, Youtube channels, Facebook pages, poetry and literature blogs, scientific, news or comedy, dictionaries, grammar books, collections of poetry or short stories, novels, comics, caricatures … we have tried to make a census as complete as possible.
A Currilingua (see details) :

We don’t run to win!
This is a race for the benefit of the Corsican language and for which the km is bought.
The money is collected to finance major projects for the Corsican language (associative schools, training centers, movies translations, etc.)
It’s meant to be festive and aims to involve as many people as possible.
Its mission is to grow from year to year …
Industrial actions (see our archives) :

We ask to obtain legal, human and financial means, to allow the implementation of a genuine societal language policy. (see our 16 proposals developed since 2007 and still relevant).
We try to bring our demands in an original, festive and colorful way without hesitating to carry out punchy actions to challenge our fellow citizens: human chain, protest celebration, festive demonstration, protest “granitula”, actions on the Rectorate’s roof, in the Prefecture’s garden and the County Council …
Work done with defenders of other minority languages (see our archives) :